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الرئيسية » &&You Never Walk Alone&&

&&You Never Walk Alone&& 2024.

:shy: :shy:

You never walk alone, my friend

Though you may think you do

For in your sorrow and despair

God always walks with you

:shy: :shy:

There is no hour, no passing day

He is not by your side

And though unseen HE is still there

To be your friend and guide

:shy: :shy:

Whene’er you think you walk alone

Reach out and you will find

The hand of God to show the way

And bring you peace of mind

:shy: منقول:shy:

بـــــــــ ـــناتــــ ويــــــ ــــــــــنكمــــــ
معـــــــــ ـقوله مــــ ـحد عيبها المــ ــوضــوعـ ــــ
thanx dear… good words…
i loved it…
it reallly touched me deeply inside my heart and soul…..
very nice sis …… thankx
really nice thankfull to you

عروس اقتباس عروس     عروس
  For in your sorrow and despair

God always walks with you

عروس   عروس

very well written..

thanx for sharing dear..

very often a person forgets about this especially in cases of extreme sadness and happiness.. although for others its quite the opposite.. theres no better moment to remember God than in happiness and sadness..

may Allah bless you ..

thanx again

:flower: :flower: :flower:

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