السلام عليكم ورحمة الله يا اخواتي انا عندي اختبار محادثة بكرة وابغى منكم جزاكم الله خير تصححونة لي وهاذة هو
المحادثة الاولى
hoe was your trip to paris?
it was the best city i visited
how is the weather?
ti is verey cold
you like it?
yes,i played with my sister by snow boll and i skid on the ice
how cold was paris?
it is 5 degrees below zero
wow that is very cold
yas,but when we arivied ther are ablizzard
wow what you do in ther
that is boring because i stay with my falims all 3 day in home
How was your trip to paris?
It was the best city I visited
How was the weather?
It was very cold
Did you like it?
yes,I did ..
I played with my sister by snow boll and i skied on the ice
How cold was paris?
It was 5 degrees below zero
Wow that is very cold !
yes,but when we arrived, there was ablizzard
So what you did ?
That is boring because I stayed 3 days at home with my family
الله يوفـقك عزيزتي ..
جزاك الله الف خير والله ماتدري قد ايش ساعدتني الله يسعدك دينا واخرة
شكرا شكرا ياعروس ركن النجليزي
اقدر اقول بدال So what you did …
what did you do?
واذا غلط ممكن تقولين لي ليه ؟؟