طلبت مني الاستاذه موضوع عن مشاعر مطلقه مناول احساسها بالحريه في اول الامر الي ان تزداد حالتها سوء من الاكتئاب الي الاحساس انها منبوذه من المجتمع وهكذابحيث في نهايه الموضوع تصبح الفكره شامله
ارجوكم ساعدوني :confused:
منتظره مساعدتكم
هو علي فكره موضوع انشاء وهو اخر المواضيع المطلوبه مني وابغي تحسين درجاتي:ss:
سرعه الرد الله يكرمكم
يمكن اقدر اساعدك
وتبغي خمس ديتاليز عن موضوع اخر دوبي عرفت من واحده صاحبتي عن مسافر يقوم باعمال غريبه
ارجوكم المساعده
1-after divorce itis common to have the feelings of grieving similar to that of the loss of some one
2-woman was filled with doubts she asked her self what is right
ومافي افكار راضيه تيجي تاني في راسي
وخصوصا الموضوع الاخر الشخص اللي يسوي حركات غريبه في الطائره ارجوكم
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
One Russian weird man was sitting on our left side row, a beautiful young lady has approched to the row and and found her self a seat near the russian man
it was obvious that the Russian man was astonished by her beauty and was trying to chat with her while she was only Answering his questions by yes and no .
The Russian man was "given the cold shoulder" by the beautiful lady he was chatting up and hit her in the face.
The flight turned back after the crew were unable to break up the fight involving the Russian man and the beautiful lady
الله يكرمك يارب
يااحلي عروسه في الموقع
كلك ذوق ودايما تساعدني جزاك الله الف الف الف خير
وجعله في ميزان حسناتك