let’s talk in English 2024.

hiiiiiii ladies how you’re doing? عروس

hope u enjoy this forum

since we use this forum to improve our language, i suggest to talk in eng (onlyyyyyyyyy eng


therefore,it would intreseting if each one of u tells us about her life, studing, hobbies and anything she likes……………….


hope u get my point

Thank you very much,, it ‘s good idea

I’ll talk about my self

I live in the UK , it’s so cold there

I have friends from other countries

…but,, I m really miss my country saudi arabia and my friends there

?? what about you all


see you later

Miss college:[align=left]
u have a mistake
therefore,it would intreseting if each one of u….
therefore, it would be intreseting if each one of u…..

Miss British:
u Have a mistake
I m really miss my
I’m really missing my…..

thannnnnnnnks sis Dloo3t AD

i really didn’t notice your my mistake

anyway it’s good that u figured it out

hello dear misscollege

we have seen this idea before and i have to say it’s a nice one..

i hope everyone would try to add something everytime they join this corner

even if it is only a short sentence..

i will be watching and i think you all will be able to correct your mistakes by yourselves with time..

but if you insist i dont mind correcting them for you


i’ll be back.. and i am hoping to see more participants here

thanks and please everyone DO NOT turn the topic to a chat page!


Hey girls,

hope everything is going well,

I live in Canada, Toronto.
Im studying here and looking forward to finish school.
Well. things are not going so well , I miss my family so much because im all alone here, but at the end nothing comes easy and life is a struggle if you want to make it to the end .
Im really carefull in writing because here in Canada im used to using slung language so if you guys see a different word just know its slung ok:dd:
thanks alot and waiting to know you more ..

Welcomeeeeeeeeeeeee nusnusa

it’s nice to c u here participating in our topic

wish u all the best dear with your studying

girls, it’s really wonderful to have loyal friends in our lifes

i guess this is the most imporatnat thing in everybody’s life

and without it it’s so hard to live

hi girls iam new friend i wish to be good in english am very glad to improve my language with you

am ghizlane from morocco i have19 years old i studing at university.
thanks alot ladies and girls i love this topic

welcome everybody
hi girls

how do you do all

i really like this topic .. because i want to increase my vocabulary .. it`s a basic factor during learning process
i will ask each one of you girls a question which is

what you do to be better in english … how you improve your english … i hope you answer my question in detailed
we want to share our experiences

see ya

talk in native accent تكلمى مثل المواطن الاصلى واكثر 2024.

مساء الخير عزيزاتى حبيت انقل لكم تجربتى الشخصيه مع هذا الموقع
ولاكون صريحه معاكم الموضوع يبيله اجتهاد ذااااااااااااااااااااتى يعنى بدونه مافى استفاده اوكى
أولا هذا الموقع يحتوى على فيديوهات وتسيجلات صوتيه لمحادثات بين اشخاص من مختلف انحاء العالم
الفكره منه انك تتكلمى مثلهم واكثر بس السمع مو هو المطلوب … المطلوب منك حبيبتى انك تسمعى للحن الكلام بمعنى انه فى كل بلد يوجد اهل الجنوب منها و اهل الحضر ولكل له اسلوبه فى طريقه الكلام مهمتك عزيزتى تقليد هذا الاسلوب
انتى الان على الموقع فتحتى تسيجل صوتى كل ما عليكى تقليد هذا المنتحدث بنفس الاسلوب
ترا الامريكى له طريقه والاسترالى له طريقه والكندى له طريقه والبريطانى له طريقه استمعى لليناسبك واختارى شخص بس واحد هو اللى ترددى كلامه
وعليكى بترديد الكلام او المقطع ل 27 مره ووالله عن تجربه وفادتنى كتيير
حبيت انقل لكم تجربتى وان شاء الله تفيدكم
بس اخر شى هذا الموقوع للى عنده خلفيه مسبقه اوكى اعتذر من المبتدئين
وهذا اسمه


وان شاء الله بتستفيدوا وارجو منكم اللى جربه يقول عن تجربته
ولأى استفسار انا حاضره
تحياتى لكم

مشكورة اختي على ذكر تجربتج
بس اختي الرابط غلط ممكن تعديلنه
والله يعطيج العافية


شكرااااااا co0l Gurl
اعتذر منكم عزيزاتى
elllo index

مشكورة اختي على تعديل الرابط وذكر تجربتج المفيدة
جزاج الله خير
والله يعطيج العافية


تسلمييييين عزيزتى " Co0l Gurl " للتوضيح مشكووووووره
وان شاء الله انكم تستفيدوا
تحياتى لكم
جزاك الله خيرا
وجزاكى عزيزتى day and night اسعدنى مرورك


A husband was trying to prove to his wife that women talk more than
men. He showed her a study that reported that men use an average
of 15,000 words a day, but women use 30,000 words a day.

The wife promptly told him that women use
twice as many words because they have to
repeat everything they say to men

Looking stunned, the husband said,

"Women use twice as many words because they have to repeat everything they say to men

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Wow, Ciza, you’ll never cease to amaze me!!! This is so funny and true, as well!!! Oh, God, we need to repeat everything a thousand times, not just twice.zعروس2

Thanks, dear for your nice participation

Best Wishes


[السلام] السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته[/السلام]

Very very funny…z

It is true, we have to repeat everything, sometimes they hear us, but they don’t want to show that, or they don’t want to do what
we ask them, like going to the Market….z

Thanks a lot Ciza



مـخـتــــارات من مواضيعــــي :




that’s completely right

Dearest Amal
I’m really proud to amaze you
And that’s true
We have to repeat everything thousand times
And they might not hear

Best whises

Dearest Marmoom

Men hear whatever they want
And what is suitable to them
Specially shopping is the worst thing
For them to hear

Thanks for passing

Dear Micky
For sure it’s totally true
Thanks for passing


Nice one sister Ciza…. True and funny

and it’s amazaing… cuz that’s how they are when they are little kids too… lol subhanallah!!!i

thanks.. waiting for more of your participations

best wishes

Dear Stubborn

Thanks alot for passing
I’m glad you find it funny
true what you said sometimes they are like kids


wow this is so true, but do like me don’t repeat any thing coz
"Words of the Kings did not repeated "