TOEFL Test Preparation 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمهـ اللهـ وبركاتهـ
Heeeey Girls

im planing to take TOEFL IBT test

Im studying by my own so i was looking 4 any website

to help me 2 learn more about it and 2 prepare my self for it

i found these sites and i hope it will help u 2 improve ur english and know more

about these kind of tests

and if anyone preparing 4 it ,i hope we can share our informations

and help eachother 2 pass this exam


im studying now at home 4 this exam using books and the Internet

be4 i was studying in Institute 4 TOEFL exam

but unfortunately i got chickenpox hehehe

If anyone took this exam be4 plz tell me about it



حبيبتي ما اخذت هالامتحااان
والله يوفقك..عروس

thnxs alot Farasha ^^

السلام عليكم و رحمَة الله و بركاته ..

هلا جاكليت .. حاولت ادز لج اكثر من مره مسج بس نظرًا للمشاركات ماقدر :$ ..

انا هم عندي اختبار توفل و حدي خايفه .. [ اقضّ مضجعي ] هالأختبار ..

مادري مابديت دراسه احس ضايعه حيل حيل حيل ! ..

نصايحج خانوم ؟ .. شسوي ششتري شدرس ؟ < تحسين وحدة ضايعه :$ ..

سلام ..

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها غـَسَق عروس عروس   عروس

السلام عليكم و رحمَة الله و بركاته ..
هلا جاكليت .. حاولت ادز لج اكثر من مره مسج بس نظرًا للمشاركات ماقدر :$ ..

انا هم عندي اختبار توفل و حدي خايفه .. [ اقضّ مضجعي ] هالأختبار ..

مادري مابديت دراسه احس ضايعه حيل حيل حيل ! ..

نصايحج خانوم ؟ .. شسوي ششتري شدرس ؟ < تحسين وحدة ضايعه :$ ..
سلام ..

عروس   عروس

وعليكم السلام ورحمهـ اللهـ وبركاتهـ

هلا حبيبتي ^^

في كتب تلاقينهم بالمكاتب مكتوب عليها توفل

وبالانجليزي وفيها سيديات وكل شي

بتفيدج وايد

ولا تخوفين نفسج وتضيعين

شوي شوي

انتي مسجلهـ بمعهد للتحضير؟

انا افكر أسجل بمعهد بس للتحضير للتوفل

بس بمتحن بمكان ثاني يعني بس يعلموني ^^

وعندج بالنت وايد مواقع تساعدج حيييل احسن من 100 كتاب

دوري وبتلاقين وااايد صدقيني بتستفيدين حييل ^^

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ĈĤỢČỚŁĂŢЁ عروس عروس   عروس
  وعليكم السلام ورحمهـ اللهـ وبركاتهـ

هلا حبيبتي ^^

في كتب تلاقينهم بالمكاتب مكتوب عليها توفل

وبالانجليزي وفيها سيديات وكل شي

بتفيدج وايد

ولا تخوفين نفسج وتضيعين

شوي شوي

انتي مسجلهـ بمعهد للتحضير؟

انا افكر أسجل بمعهد بس للتحضير للتوفل

بس بمتحن بمكان ثاني يعني بس يعلموني ^^

وعندج بالنت وايد مواقع تساعدج حيييل احسن من 100 كتاب

دوري وبتلاقين وااايد صدقيني بتستفيدين حييل ^^

عروس   عروس

هلا جاكليته ..

انا ان شاء الله عندي تحديد مستوى .. و بعدها يقررون اي دوره اخذ ..

و ان شاء الله مدحوا لي كتاب توفل ليفيل 1 ..

احنا عندنا نمتحن بالامديست .. و السكور اللازم فوق 310 ..

احس من افكر اخااف ..

مثل شنو المواقع .. < تعبت ادري ..

بالتوفيق يارب و طمنيني عنج ..


if you want to know how good you are in english
go to this site

[ALIGN=center]السلام عليكم و رحمة اللـه و بركاته


I took the test 🙁 not what I was hoping to get. The problem is that my weakest point in English is the grammar :mad2: , which cost me lots of points in exams or assays back when I was a student, otherwise I think I might get at least 64 in this test

I forgot this is my test’s result:


correct answers 53 out of 68

Your level is:


Test your level 2024.

test your vocabulary

test your grammar

test your listening

test your reading

click here

واستكشفى الموقع فهو رائع


يسلمووو عالموقع
You are welcome
Thank you for the website you gave us it was really helpful
I think the girls should reply in English not Arabic

:B_wink:Have fun Everybody and wish me good luck

thank you

it’s lovely web

Many Thanks for your participation


Thank you … It so helpful for our level
to practice more and more English ..
thank you for the website
Many Thanks for you dear


Level Test : 2024.

موقع لإختبار المستوى باللغة الإنجليزية .. إدخلى وإختبرى مستواكِ الآن 0000

وأخبرينا بالنتيجة..

00فى إنتظاركن00


24 correct answers out of 68

Your level is:



سوف أعمل على تحسين مستواى بإذن الله

Your level is:


Thanks for nice test..

i will try to improve myself

ما شاء الله عليكِ يافراشة إلى الامام

بارك الله فيكِ على المرور الطيب

I will see now …. then I will tell you

68 correct answers out of 68

Your level is:


Thank you ^_*

46 correct answers out of 68

Your level is:


that was fun, but my child was annoying me so much when I had testing my self

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ام نوح عروس عروس   عروس
  68 correct answers out of 68

Your level is:


Thank you ^_*

عروس   عروس

ما شاء الله عليج عيني عليج بارده

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ام نوح عروس عروس   عروس
  68 correct answers out of 68

Your level is:


Thank you ^_*

عروس   عروس

ما شاء الله لا قوة الا بالله

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها mamafotoon عروس عروس   عروس
  46 correct answers out of 68

Your level is:


that was fun, but my child was annoying me so much when I had testing my self

عروس   عروس

ربنا يخليلك ولادك يارب ويحفظهم

Your level is:


thank you ..

time to take the DESSERT TEST 2024.

Hello every one…how is every one…hope fine عروس
I found this test in my mail box…loooooool.. i liked it so…i love to share it with u dear sisters عروس
SO… you go

If all of the deserts listed below were sitting in front of
which would you choose (Sorry, you can only pick one!) Trust
me…this is very accurate. Pick your dessert, then look to see
what psychiatrists think about you.

Here are your choices

1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue
4. Vanilla cake with Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate on Chocolate
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake

OK – Now that you’ve made your choice this is what research says
about you

1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE — Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm
and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice
cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being
childlike and immature at times.

2. BROWNIES — You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion
of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you
whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

3. LEMON MERINGUE — Smooth, sexy, &articulate with your hands,

you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But
don’t try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at
times, but you have many friends.

humorous, not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack
motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a
practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad.
However, you are a friend for life.

5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE — Romantic, warm, loving. You care
aboutother people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in
return. Intuitively keen. Can be very emotional.

6. CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE — Sexy; always ready to give and
receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate.
You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside.
Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything averagein life. Love to laugh.

7. ICE CREAM — You like sports, whether it be baseball, football,
basketball, or soccer.
If you could, you would like to participate,
but you enjoy watching sports. You don’t like to give up the remote
control. You tend to be self-centred and high maintenance.

8. CARROT CAKE — You are a very fun loving person, who likes to
laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you.
You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times.
You have many loyalfriends.

heheehehehehhehehehe…hope u like it girls
عروس عروس


Cooool & I like it soooo much
Thankx super
Show us the new of yr participations


Hi, all, how are you, hope you are doing fine, I live now in Canada, and I am going soon to live in Saudi Arabia , and I do not know any one there, could you please tell me how can I know you or e-mail you, so I will have freinds to know there, my husband is living there, I will be waiting your reply and if you need any help in English, I will be more that happy to help you.
8. CARROT CAKE — You are a very fun loving person, who likes to
laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you.
You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times.
You have many loyalfriends


Thx dear sisters for passing by…happy that u loved this mini test
:shy: :gum:
Hello luna… r u dear???welcom to saudi arabia
u want friends???u just ask for it dear ….see u soon
Thank you sis for this test
I choose Ice Cream عروس
I guess it has some truth to it

Make a quiz or personality test 2024.

عروسTry this test to know more about your personality and let us see your results it’s so funny

i try it but im waiting your results :tongue:


You are Rain

You are introverted, Feeling, sensitive, and spiritual.

Thanks alot sweety amoula

your welcome Green salad it’s so nice from you to participate in my topic (f)

You are Thunder

You have intense moods, Your opinionated, and original, mysterious aswell.

i can’t beleive!!!!!

hhhhhhh ورد المشمش it’s just a quiz sweety
thanks for passing

You are Sunshine

You cheerfull, bright and positive. Your harmonious, and kind.

this is mine :tongue:

Wa3likum Asslam my dear
Thanks for this sweet quiz

My result was like you :thumbs:

You Are Sunshine

thank you Sali for passing & it’s so nice that we have the same result lolعروس

you are sunshine

thannnnnnnk you for the topic

You are Sunshine

You cheerfull, bright and positive. Your harmonious, and kind.

thank you amoula

ETB Online English Test 2024.

ETB Online English Test

اختبار تحديد مستوى للغة الانجليزية جيد جدا ممتاز
عبارة عن 45 سؤال اختياري
ومدته 30 دقيقة فقط

أدخلي الاسم و الايميل

وأختبري معلوماتك
تفضلو اللينك

ولاتنسون كل وحدة ترد على الموضوع
بالنتيجة اللي حصلت عليها

واذا أعجبكم


Thanks honey

I’ll do it later

wish you all the best


حلووووووووووووووو واستمتعت جدا بالامتحان

وجبت 82% …

تسلمي لنا يا عسل على موضوعاتك ومواقعك الحلوة

Computer Dependency Test 2024.

Here’s a quick & very simple test for you to take. This just proves that we have become way too dependent on our computers.

Q: How Many Legs You Have?

To find out the answer, look down…


Look down, not scroll down!

HaaaHaaaa!! That,s sooo funny!!}:dd:
Even though we do not really need to look down to check for how many legs we have coz we already have 2 or :think:may be more??
I forgot!!
:sm215::eek:{That is what happened when I sit for along time every day focusing on the screen of my computer

  الرد باقتباس

قديم(ـة) 28/07/2008, 02:12 PM   #3
مشرفة سابقة

الملف الشخصي:
تاريخ التسجيل: 25/04/2008
رقم العضوية: 246606
البلد: °•.*.•° مغـربـــي الحــبـيــب °•.*.•° ‏
المشاركات: 9,609
الجنس: أنثى
الدولة: المغرب

تقييم العضو:
قوة التقييم: 588

MIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريباMIYA !!! ستنشهر قريبا

MIYA !!! غير متصل

اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

hhhhhhhhh thanks sister for the nice topic, soo funny

اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

  الرد باقتباس

قديم(ـة) 28/07/2008, 04:52 PM   #4
عروس ذهبية

الملف الشخصي:
تاريخ التسجيل: 17/03/2006
رقم العضوية: 85599
البلد: مصر والامارات
المشاركات: 2,362
الجنس: أنثى

تقييم العضو:
قوة التقييم: 80

أم نور عيوني عضوة جديدةأم نور عيوني عضوة جديدةأم نور عيوني عضوة جديدة

أم نور عيوني غير متصل

اقتباس   المشاركة الأساسية كتبها Green salad مشاهدة المشاركة  
  HaaaHaaaa!! That,s sooo funny!!}:dd:
Even though we do not really need to look down to check for how many legs we have coz we already have 2 or :think:may be more??
I forgot!!:sm215::eek:{That is what happened when I sit for along time every day focusing on the screen of my computer





so funny

I was so depressed but ur question makes me laugh ===>:21_133:

Thanks dear

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها mamlo7ha.k.s.a عروس عروس   عروس



عروس   عروس

thanx for ur nice reply sister

عروس اقتباس عروس   عروس المشاركة الأساسية كتبها ღ Sali ღ عروس عروس   عروس

so funny

I was so depressed but ur question makes me laugh ===>:21_133:

Thanks dear

عروس   عروس

thnax sali for ur reply and take it easy

very nice test
thanks for make me laughing

Very Nice Personality Test 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Check this out…. It Really Worked with me…. I think it Will work with u too…

Here you have a great chance to know about personality,
without spending any money. This test was devised by oxford university. It tells about your personality just by your choice.

So know yourself & enjoy

Here it is…..

Imagine you walked into a small hut by the river in the jungle. You open the door, in front of you were 7 small beds to the right of the hut,and another 7 small chairs surrounding a small round table. In the middle of the table was a round food tray with 5 kinds of fruit in it.
There are:
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Strawberry
d. Peach
e. Orange

Which fruit will u choose?
Your choice reveals about u! Pls be very Honest to yourself…..
& Now scroll down for results:






Here are the results.
a. if you chosen apple: that means you are a person who loves to eat Apple

b. if you chosen banana: that means you are a person who loves to eat Banana

c. if you chosen strawberry: that means you are a person who loves to eat Strawberry

d. if you chosen peach: that means you are a person who loves to eat Peach

e. if you chosen orange: that means you are person who loves to eat Orange

Note: If u r hunting for me to punch me…..Well…I am also busy hunting

for the person who sent me this!!!!!

منقول من ايميلي

That was reallllly funny
Thanks dear & Don’t deprive us from ur threads


Do you know sis

that really worked with me

thanks a lot dear


you actually made me laugh out loud…

but I will hunt you down>>>just kidding

thanx ya 3asal

شكرا على مرورك مس حلا

many thanks sweet

شكرا على المرور يا عرايس


بدووور الليل


Are u kidding me..
Its an unexpected topic
any way Thaaaaanx sis.


خخخخخخخخخخخ عجبني ردك اختي ورقه مشقوقه

helooooooooooooooooooooow this is not funt at all

Test your logic 2024.

1.Why can’t a person living in Riyadh be buried in Dammam?
2.Some months have 30days and some have 31.How many months have 28 days?
3.How many children does a man have if he has 10 sons and each son has a sister?
4.if you had only one match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp,a newspaper , and some kindling wood,What would you light first?
5.A farmer had 17 sheep.all but 9died.How many did he have left?
6.Take three apples from five apples.How many do you have?
7.How many times can you take 4 from 33?
9.If a woman was born in Italy,raised in Australia, married a Scotsman,lived in England then died in Italy,What is she?
1.Because he is not dead yet.
2.all of them.
3.11 children.
4.The match.
5.9 sheep
6.I have 3.
7.once(then it’s 29).
9.She is dead.